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Sportshall Athletics - Fixture 3

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On 28th January, we had 30 athletes take part in the third and final Sportshall Athletics fixture of the season at the Guildford Spectrum. It was an extremely exciting afternoon which saw the Impact athletes shine and the team perform exceptionally

Congratulation to the girls team 1 and 2 who were  winners and runners up meaning we have won each of the three competitions this year. The boys also did really well considering most of the team were made up of Year 6 and Year 7 athletes.

It's been a great winter of sportshall competition and Impact AC have definitely left their mark on the rest of Surrey.

Well done to Florence, Izzy, Charlotte, Lucy, Ben H, Ben V and Henry who have all been invited to trial for the Under 13s County team. Meanwhile, Martha, Olive, Bailey, Daniel and Luke have been invited to trial for the Under 11s County team.

The results can be seen by clicking here



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